Who are we?

The Power of Human FRA and The Power of Human UKR are the story of two childhood friends, Aurélie and Coralie, who found a common ambition: helping people in need. Never would we have imagined, nearly 40 years ago, that one day we would be here, creating this incredible adventure against the backdrop of a human tragedy.

The story of our associations began on February 23, 2022, the eve of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The French media only talked about Vladimir Putin’s intimidation of Ukraine and its population. Coralie called Aurélie and her husband to assess the situation. On the eve of the Russian army’s attacks, we could not have imagined that the very next morning, the situation would change dramatically, as would our lives. It was on this exact date that our common beliefs connected, and the power of human began to emerge.

We started taking small actions in our own names to help and support the people in the Chernivtsi region. On our own, Coralie in France and Aurélie in Ukraine, we assisted various actors in the humanitarian effort: Rotary, Fabrique moi demain, Avenir… but soon, we felt the desire to join forces. That’s when we created our associations: Le pouvoir de l’humain in France and The Power of Human in Ukraine. Our two twin associations are linked by their common actions and our unwavering friendship.

Legitimized by our associations, our actions grew in scale and naturally specialized in medical equipment valorization: we collect unused medical equipment from healthcare professionals and organize convoys to Ukraine. With the creation of our associations, our partnerships have grown significantly: Team for UA, the UN, Polish Women Without Borders, UDB Ukraine Dijon Besançon, and many more!

This is only the beginning of our fight and commitment. We are passionate about launching a large-scale and unprecedented project: the rehabilitation of war-mutilated individuals. How? By manufacturing 3D printed orthopedic prosthetics for them and supporting them throughout the long rehabilitation process until they can regain a nearly normal life.

Do you want to help us? Make a donation or join our association.

We are counting on you!

Coralie, Aurélie, and our entire team.